Our Core Values

Our Beliefs that Help Form Us

God matters most of all.  His ways are better and we honor that in our worship, study, teachings, and in our daily lives.  He matters so much, it has to be more than just on Sunday.


Everyone has equal value here at First Assembly.  Regardless of your past or present, you have value and we want to help you reach your full potential in all that God has for you. 


Relationships are an essential part of First Assembly life.  We believe that as we invest in relationships with each other that we grow in ways that we could not alone.  We believe that we are truly better together, and effort to live that out daily, not just on Sunday.


 Our heart is for every generation, culture, and nation to have the opportunity to have a lifelong and growing relationship with Jesus. That is why we invest not only in our church, but community, state, nation and world to see this accomplished.   



In a nutshell, who we are.

In a time when a lot of things seem fake, people disguising and portraying themselves as someone they are not, we will be different.  We will be who we are, and Whose we are.  Through good times and bad, through fun times and struggles, we will be us and be authentic to what we believe.   We have decided our circumstances should not affect who we are except to make us more real with God. So go ahead, it's ok to be you. 

We believe the Bible is truly the Word of God, and that everything in it is true.  In all aspects of ministry, we have the desire to teach the truth of the Bible.  We do not preach opinions or something popular because it sounds good, we teach what the Word of God says.  Context is important for life change to occur, and life change, including our own, is what we are all about. 

In a world in which the term prayer is so obscured, we desire the true relationship that comes from authentic prayer with God.  This is not through praying when we need Him, or the ritualistic prayers, but through true conversation with God, and not just us speaking but taking time to listen for what He desires for us.  We desire to pray like Jesus prayed, that God's will be done, and mean it!

Worship is a big part of who we are at First Assembly!  We do not want to be "those people" who come into church and try to impress others with our external expressions of worship, but people who are truly worshipping Jesus and who He is, and not just on Sunday morning!  This is taught in every phase of our ministry, from our children up.  We truly believe that authentic worship is all about giving God what He deserves, and that is our very best in all that we have.


In a time where there is a lot of fake "friends" who really do not know each other, we value authentic relationships.  Not just ones built on comments or likes, but on real conversations about what and who we are, where we are truly at in life, our faith, and being there for each other every step of the way.  Relationships the way they were in the Bible, through good and bad, authentic and meaningful, full of love, and built around God.

Because we love Jesus and we love people, our hearts naturally navigate toward serving others.  This is a Biblical model that Jesus taught.  We realize that if we want to lead in our homes, workplaces, and nation, we must model servant leadership.  We desire to have an authentic heart of service, not one just birthed out of religious duty

We love to give and do so generously.  Ok, yes that includes our financial giving, but yet so much more.  We want to be generous with our time, talents, abilites, and literally US!  Generosity is a lifestyle, and we desire to model that.  We want to be like the disciples, to give what we have!

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